The UMF™ trademark is a quality trademark that is internationally verified and recognised. It is backed by an industry quality standard, independent audits and a network of accredited laboratories around the world. You can be sure that you are buying the best quality Manuka honey and your rights as a consumer are protected.
To carry the UMF™ brand, the manufacturer or owner of the brand must hold a current UMF™ license with UMFHA (Unique Manuka Factor™ Honey Association). In addition, genuine UMF™ Manuka Honey complies with all five of the following criteria:
- UMF™ is clearly stated on the front label
- It is packed into jars and labelled in New Zealand
- It is from a New Zealand company licensed by UMFHA to use the name UMF™
- It has the UMF™ licensee's name on the front label
- It has a rating of UMF™ 5+ or more.

TGA Compliance
In Australia at our Coominya farm, our Olive Leaf Extract operations hold a Licence to Manufacture Herbal Therapeutic Goods. This means the TGA have verified our GMP Compliance as a Manufacturer as having robust systems in place to meet the PIC/S Guidelines. This licence authorises our operations to carry out full product manufacture of Herbal therapeutic goods (excluding testing) and to release product to the market.

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. This is a preventative Food Safety System in which every step in the manufacture, storage and distribution of a food product is scientifically analysed for microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Potential hazards are, therefore, identified and appropriate control measures are taken before any problems can occur.
Comvita operates under a certified Food Safety Management System which complies with CAC HACCPVER:2003 – CODEX HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) for the production, packing and distribution of Mixed Flora and UMF™ certified Honey (Manuka Honey).

Comvita is registered as an Exporter with the Ministry for Primary Industries. New Zealand Exporters need to be registered to be able to apply for official assurances (export certificates).
There are certain duties for a Registered Exporter to carry out under the various Acts. As a Registered Exporter Comvita receives a letter from MPI, which outlines specific duties for the products we export. The duties include the following:
1. Ensuring our products meet relevant New Zealand standards;
2. Complying with relevant export eligibility requirements;
3. Reporting to MPI if they are no longer fit for purpose or are refused entry by a destination country;
4. Keeping appropriate records.

Comvita processes and stores products, classed under New Zealand legislation as animal products. This includes our bee products and our Omega fish oil products. We operate under a registered Risk Management Programme (RMP). An RMP is a written programme designed to manage hazards, wholesomeness and labelling of animal material and products. Comvita's RMP describes how we process your products to meet the requirements of the Animal Products Act 1999. This is to ensure the products we sell are 'fit for purpose' – safe, suitable and truthfully labelled.
Comvita's RMP is registered and verified by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.

In the Australian market some Comvita products are classified as Therapeutic Goods. Medsafe, a division of the New Zealand Ministry of Health, verifies the systems and processes our Paengaroa facility has in place against the internationally recognised Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products. This certification recognises that we have robust systems to ensure the safety and efficiency therapeutic goods.